Get Dads More Engaged
IM FATHER is a mobile app designed to help expecting dads get more engaged in pregnancy and child prep. Each week the dads will be completing 4 simple tasks to learn about the pregnancy. Each task addresses one aspect from the changes of the mom, the changes of the child, the mental states of the mom, and fun trivia-style learning. The app is not designed to overwhelm dads with excessive information, rather it resolves dad's disengagement by connecting dads emotionally to some of the four aspects.

My Role
• User experience research, user interviews, journey mapping, and survey.
• Core concept development and proof of concept testing.
• UI development and useability testing.
The Design

Weekly Learning Activities
Each week, the dads will be doing four simple tasks to learn about the pregnancy. They can customize the task frequency and set reminders on when to complete them. They can also see a library of additional readings if you would like to learn more.

Belly Picture Time
By inviting the mom to take a picture of her belly each week, the dad will about the changes that are happening to the mom. He can also write a note of how he feels about the picture and share it with the mom.

Feel My Baby
Each week, the baby is changing. However, the dad can not see them. Besides learning about the baby's development, dads can see how big their babies are compared to a fruit to get more connected with them.

What Does She Say
Emotional feelings are not always the same between two parents. This task invites the dad and mom to take a little questionnaire about the mom's mental being. The mom will answer the questions first and the dad will answer the same questions and the alignment of the answers will invite you to reflect on your feelings recently.
Did You Know
After all the fun activities get dads more engaged emotionally with the pregnancy. We still need the dad to actually learn something important. However, the way this piece of learning is delivered through a series of trivia questions, making it more fun rather than lecturing.

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Concept Statement
Most moms start their journey with the baby once they found out about the pregnancy. But many dads don’t realize this change in life until the baby is born. Though they do follow some preparation initiatives under the moms, this sudden change of role still catches them off guard.
Many dads feel distant from parenthood preparation because the solutions out there do not meet their needs. IM FATHER helps to-be dads get prepared for the baby by providing them with high-level parenthood and pregnancy information through a digital application and have it delivered progressively through digestible weekly exercises. And these exercises are designed to get dads more connected with the pregnancy, with the mom, and with the baby.

How did they get distant from the pregnancy in the first place?
I interviewed 3 couples and 2 dads and asked them how they prepared for the kid during the pregnancy and how they thought the preparation was after the kid was born. I then mapped out the user's journey throughout the pregnancy to understand their pain points regarding the under-preparation. From the key pain points, I did a poll with 27 dads to see what they voted as the most related pain points.

The top three pain points distance dads to get more involved in the child prep during the pregnancy:
"My partner knew better. So I thought I did not need to know much."
"Prep materials are all over the place and unrelated at the time."
"I did not feel connected with the baby yet."
How do we translate these pain points into executable design questions?
"My partner knew better. So I thought I did not need to know much."
HOW MIGHT WE use the mom as an inspiration and encourage the couple to work together?
"Prep materials are all over the place and unrelated at the time."
HOW MIGHT WE provide dads with an essential and guided learning experience?
"I did not feel connected with the baby yet."
HOW MIGHT WE get dads to feel more connected with the pregnancy and then empathize the baby?
Core Concept
The core concept of this app is to ask the user to do 4 tasks every week. Each task will approach the user's pain points from one or two perspectives. By completing these tasks, the user will learn and get connected more with the mom and the pregnancy.
Weekly Task Dashboard

Concept Evolutions
Dashboard Design Changes

Belly Picture Time Design Changes

Feel My Baby Design Changes

What Does She Say Design Changes

Edit Tasks

Library Design Changes

The Journey Starts At The Conception